I've been home in Massachusetts, now for over 3 months which does seem reasonable but seems like an entirety if I actually think about it. I'm from northern suburban Boston and that is currently where I reside. I've missed the people over the years and it's nice to be back in a place where I grew up, but I didn't and don't miss the atmosphere of this upper middle class suburb. I guess it must be my lack of interest in keeping up with the Jones? Which I've never understood, or maybe it's just my lone wolf streak. Back when I had a full time job and hadn't moved to Spain yet, I never wanted the big @ TV nor a large mansion style house, that so many of my coworkers seemed to be rushing toward. The only thing I'd understand is having the large house because I had like a million kids, which interests me far more than a big TV and driving a Ferrari. Money is a means to things but not a point to itself, I've learned a little of that by experience.
In the interest of full disclosure I currently have like, no money and most definitely no job. I've been taking classes half time and I haven't really wanted to find something that would muck up having time to spend the time studying I need to do everyday. As a result I spend far too much of my time doing nothing except absentmindedly cruising the Internet not doing anything truly salient except responding to my spur of the moment curiosity. It makes one knowledgeable about a lot of things, but it doesn't really add productivity to ones life...
It's good to be back in the US of A, I miss EspaƱa, but as Dylan says 'the times they are a'changin''