Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Headed out on the road again

I wanted to give a big thank you for anyone who's bothered to read this blog in the last few months. The whole idea was spawned out of my parents wanting to know I was alive and keeping. Also to make sure that there was some account of my journey that was not scrawled in a notebook and entirely unreadable. Thank you for reading this and putting up with my rather bland narratives and accounts of my first trip across the United States.

As I mentioned in my last post I was living at home at my parent's house in good old Massachusetts. There was many great things about being back, not having to drive 8 hours a day, seeing friends and familiar faces regularly, and drinking a brew at the old haunts. But I was living at my parent's house which gets old about as fast as you might think. I am not trying to suggest I don't like or get a long with my folks, that is not the case at all. There is just not anything to do around Andover other then go to the movies, which you can only do so many times. I suppose there is a bar, but it barely counts as one.

I thankfully did not have to spend the entire time at home and actually hitched a ride with my mom into Boston for most of the month of August. I was taking a course at the Boston Language Institute to get a certificate to teach English as a Foreign Language, shorthand (TEFL). It was a pretty rigorous course, though I have to say it didn't make me really freak out until the last week of the month when like everything seemed to be due.

I met some really cool people, who were both students or somehow affiliated with the institute. Being around there did make me like I didn't know anything as most people who were either teachers or students knew at least 2 languages and most often 3. Sounds like I need to get my butt in gear about that.

The last week has been really chill, in fact too relaxed, I barely got anything done. It is amazing how much TV needs watching when you having nothing pressing on you. All in all it was a slow week with my evenings filled with saying goodbye to friends I know around the Boston Area. I'm going to miss them and I hope I get the opportunity to see them again. Though they too might want to fly the nest and head on the road at some point themselves. Maybe I'll see them all in glory...

As of today I headed out again. This time I headed back to Spain where I was for 2 weeks this last May, man it was fun. I currently don't have a return ticket, but I'm thinking I'll be back before my 3 month tourist visa runs out in December. We'll see how it ends up going. Spain again, should be really sweet. I'm going to start in Madrid and then figure out a plan from there. I wanted to check out Lisbon in Portugal last time I was there, so I will have to do that. Also I want to go at some point and check out Basque country it is supposed to be amazing. Provided I don't run into the terrorist separatists.

Since I will be on the road I will have some access to internet and I will also try to keep in touch with people. If you want me to send an email or a post card, contact me I'm a constant email checker.