Friday, July 11, 2008

From a Tent Reprise

This is another entry written in a tent on the evening of the 8th and I will post it whenever I get the chance to do so.

I spent yesterday both doing laundry and making sure I left my uncle’s house in a better state then I found it in. That required doing some sweeping and general cleaning of the kitchen. I had left a great deal of dishes, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t leave that for my uncle to either do or find. I also felt like I should try to improve things as a way to show my gratitude for him allowing me to stay in his house unsupervised. Cleaning took a little longer then I had intended, but it was nice to have accomplished something of substance after having been on the road for 4 weeks.

I then once again succumbed to idleness and went out to a movie, to one of the numerous movies I have wanted to see this summer. It was called “Wanted” and though the story was interesting and the characters fairly sympathetically drawn, there was so much blood. What I mean is not blood packets spewing everywhere fairly comically. No the most consistent special effect was showing how someone got their brains blown out and what the end result was. Like I said, the story was intriguing and definitely entertaining at points, but why so much blood and brain splattering?

The rest of my day was spent lounging about and cooking dinner, which went over decently well. After watching way too much Star Trek, I headed over to the MN airport and picked them up. I was able to get there and back without much trouble due to my uncle’s expert directions and I got to catch up some with my Uncle. He had been out at my aunt’s house in OR and it was cool to find out what had transpired while he was out there. I take it my aunt and my other uncle are both doing well which was good to hear. I was sorry to hear that other then my cousin Johanna, who traveled out with my uncle, that none of my other cousins came down. Gone are the days when we can all get hauled along to family gatherings together, though is that a necessary facet of growing up?

I headed out at about noon this morning and so far have had a pretty uneventful day. With all the chuckholes, I’m surprised I haven’t got a flat yet. I suppose I have to wait to be in the exact middle of South Dakota for that happen. ;) I did get to stop by the Corn Palace in Mitchell SD. It is the only corn palace in the whole world, which is something they are fond of telling you while you’re there repeatedly. The most disappointing thing about the whole visit is they are busy prepping the outside building for next year so most of the “palace” is not cover in anything other then last years decorations if anything at all. Plain plywood was showing in various spots and the murals that are usually on the outside of the building from last year were about it. Once they do have it all up though it does look pretty cool (I could tell from pictures) with the multiple colors of corn and the careful arrangement and murals.

Well tonight I’m crashing in a South Dakota state park and appear to be the only resident of the place. As a result it is deathly quiet here, which is magnified from my perspective having just left a city. The lack of people is kind of freaking me out so hopefully I will be unmolested by both man and beast tonight and be able to head out early tomorrow morning. Night!

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