Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Starting Down the Road

I’m heading out on the open road tomorrow. It's a little disconcerting as I don't know much about where I'm headed and what I'll be doing with myself for the next 7-8 weeks. I just spent a bunch of time today getting some sense of where I'll be and when I'll be trying to get there. It's just those plans are so tentative and could be changed at the drop of a hat, I've never had a life like that before. I usually have had external things making demands on me and making sure I'm where I'm "supposed" to be. I just feel like a piece of clay that has finally gotten out of a mold and has fallen into it's own shape. Though still being young in years, I still have time to find the shape that I will be for the rest of my life.

It is has also been really hard to leave all the people I really like in Boston and Somerville. The small group I've been in at Park St has been great and I really enjoy those that I know there. Hope Fellowship has also been great and I will really miss cooking with the Starlight team every Wednesday for the rest of the summer. All my friends around and some people I’ve just met, I’m really going to miss. I guess reminding myself about how I will miss the place I am leaving, does not really help me to leave easily. I guess I'm always one for the sentimentality at times like this. It can't be wrong to miss the people that you have known for a while?

Since this is the beginning of the blog that I plan to keep though my cross country travels, I will be updating where I am at whenever I make an entry, so people can keep abreast of where I'm currently at. Addresses will be used as necessary. Currently in Andover MA, at the parent's

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